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What is a Registry?

By June Isaacson Kailes and Alexandra Enders

© 2014

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Kailes, J. and Enders, A. (2014) What is a Registry?,


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What is a registry?

Registries are developed at the community, state, regional, national, and international level. Some are mandated by legislation.  Some are commercial. Some have existed for many years, while others appear and disappear, often due to competing funding and labor force priorities.

What is in a registry?

Registries of people have many variations, including:

Registries are developed for a broad range of purposes.

Emergency management registries

Differences between a resource registry and a needs oriented registry

Emergency management registries have typically been used to manage resources (personnel, skills, and services, etc.)

Registries of people who may need assistance, e.g. functional needs registries are very different than resource inventories, and have to be managed and maintained differently.

Sometimes “lists of lists” are compiled from administrative service records of other agencies.

Technology based approaches

Personal emergency response systems (PERS)

Emerging technology promotes integrated, non-exclusionary solutions 

Multiple perspectives on what a registry is (add link to the opinions page)

What the registry is, is one of the most essential questions in communicating about the registry with potential registrants, the emergency management community, and policymakers.

Registry expectations

Moving beyond the question of What is a registry? 


To explore the purpose of the registry, refer to the Registry Assessment Tool   


Janes, J. Number of people who need hurricane evacuation aid mostly unknown, The Monitor, 5/31/09, last accessed  03.3.14


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This is a work in progress designed to evolve based on new learning and continuous feedback as new methods and tools become available.  You are encouraged to refine its content, by providing additional resources, as well as feedback about what works, doesn’t work, or needs work.  Please include “Registry feedback” in the subject line of your message to 

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Created1/1/14 |  Updated  07.10.14