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Stakeholder Opinions of Access and Functional Needs Emergency Registries 

By June Isaacson Kailes and Alexandra Enders

© 2014

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Kailes, J. and Enders, A. (2014) Stakeholder Opinions of Access and Functional Needs Emergency Registries,,


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The value of registries that focus on people with disabilities and people with other access and functional needs in emergencies is the topic of extreme, passionate, ongoing debate within and among emergency managers, planners and responders and the disability communities. Opinions vary from appreciation and ardent advocates to vocal opponents who voice grave concern and condemnation. [5 p.33]

Confidentiality, privacy, misuse of information, bias, preferential service and who has access to the data are areas of disquiet. These comments that follow from the literature and from personal communication with audiences and participants in a range of workshops, presentations and discussions, over the last two decades, represent and illustrate the diversity of these perceptions and debate.

Comments from diverse disability communities:

Comments from emergency planners, managers and responders:


  1. Hewett, P. 2013. Organizational Networks and Emergence During Disaster Preparedness: The Case of an Emergency Assistance Registry (Dissertation)
  2. Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Report on California Registries, Office for Access and Functional Needs, May 2008,  last accessed 11.5.13   
  3. Kailes, J. 2008. Southern California Wildfires After Action Report, prepared in partnership with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers and Center Disability Issues and the Health Professions at Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA.,  Formats: PDF, Text]] add link here
  4. Norwood, F. Promising Practices for Evacuating People with Disabilities, National Institute on Disability Rehabilitation and Research, Washington, DC. Jan. 2011, last accessed 11.5.13
  5. Transportation Research Board, Communication with Vulnerable Populations: A Transportation and Emergency Management Toolkit, TCRP Report 150, 2011. last accessed 11.5.13


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This is a work in progress designed to evolve based on new learning and continuous feedback. You are encouraged to refine its content, by providing additional resources, as well as feedback. Please include “Registry feedback” in the subject line of your message to 

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Created1/1/14 |  Updated 07.10.14