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Updated 9/30/02


  1. Aging with Disability, Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center, Downey, CA
  2. Independent Living Management, Buffalo, NY
  3. Heath and Wellness, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland OR
  4. Managed Care, ILRU Houston, TX & National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington Hospital, Washington, DC
  5. Spinal Cord Injury, Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center, Downey, CA
  1. Adaptive Environments, Boston, MA
  2. Advocacy Group, Saporro, Japan
  3. Aids Project Los Angeles *
  4. Arizona Independent Living Centers
  5. Arthritis Foundation, Los Angeles, CA
  6. Betty Clooney Center, Los Angeles, CA *
  7. Birmingham Center for Independent Living, AL
  8. California Women's Law Center, Los Angeles
  9. Center for Nonprofit Management, Los Angeles, CA *
  10. Center for Independent Living, Berekely, CA
  11. Cleveland Housing Resource Center, OH
  12. Central Illinois Center for Independent Living
  13. Community Resources for Independent Living, Santa Rosa, CA
  14. Craig Hospital, Denver, CO
  15. Dayle McIntosh Center, Anaheim, CA *
  16. Hawaii Center for Independent Living
  17. Independent Living Resources, Pleasant Hill, CA
  18. Independent Living Resources Center, Santa Barbara, CA
  19. Lanterman Regional Center, Los Angeles, CA
  20. Liberty Resources, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
  21. Los Angeles Emergency Food and Shelter Program Local Board, CA *
  22. Los Angeles Regional Family Planning Center, Los Angeles, CA *
  23. Michigan Association For Centers For Independent Living
  24. National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington Hospital, Washington, DC
  25. Northern Regional Center for Independent Living, Watertown, NY
  26. Paraquad, St. Louis, MO
  27. Prototypes, Culver City, CA *
  28. Rose Resnick Lighthouse, San Francisco, CA
  29. Resource Center for Independent Living, Utica, NY
  30. Riverside Center for Independent Living, CA
  31. Topeka Independent Living Resource Center, KS
  32. UCPA, Prince George's & Montgomery Counties and Central Maryland
  33. Utah Independent Living Center, Salt Lake City, UT
  34. We're Able, Los Angeles, CA
  35. Whole Person, Kansas City, KS
  36. World Institute on Disability, Oakland, CA
  37. Wyoming Independent Liiving Resources, Casper

  1. Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
  2. California Commission on Aging
  3. California Department of Aging
  4. California Department of Rehabilitation *
  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  6. Center Theatre Group, Mark Taper Forum/Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles, CA
  7. City of Irvine, CA *
  8. City of Santa Monica, CA *
  9. Hyogo Prefectural Government, Assessment Project Team, Disaster Management Division, Office of the Governor, Committee for the Global Assessment of Earthquake Countermeasures, Five-year,,Japan
  10. Los Angeles County Transportation Commission, CA *
  11. National Council on Disability *
  12. National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation
  13. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services
  14. Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, AZ *
  15. Santa Clara County Social Services Agency, CA
  16. Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, CA *
  17. Utah Department of Rehabilitation

  1. Alliance for Technology Access *
  2. American Public Health Association, Washinton, DC
  3. J.M. Foundation
  4. National Council on Independent Living, Washinton, DC*
  5. National Arts and Disability Center, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA*
  6. National Center on Physical Activity and Disability, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL
  7. RESNA, Washinton, DC
  8. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  9. United Cerebral Palsy Association, Washinton, DC

  1. Administrative Services Cooperative, Los Angeles, CA
  2. B.L. Bullard & Associates, Los Angeles, CA *
  3. Business Association, Yokohama, Japan *
  4. California Endowment, Los Angeles, CA
  5. Hyogo Assistive Technology Research and Design Institute, Kobe, Japan
  6. Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU), Houston, TX *
  7. J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles, CA *
  8. La Habra Children's Museum, La Habra, CA
  9. Los Cerritos Shopping Mall, Cerritos, CA *
  10. Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, CA
  11. Pacific Bell, San Ramon, CA
  12. Playa Vista, Los Angeles, CA *
  13. Pacific Bell, CA
  14. Rancho Los Amigos National Medical Center, Downey, CA
  15. Siegel Diamond Architecture, Los Angeles, CA
  16. -United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Istanbul, Turkey
  17. USAir / Corporate Services for the Deaf *
  18. Shell Oil *
  19. Southwestern Bell, INC

  1. Arizona Independent Living Centers
  2. Association of Independent Living Centers of New York
  3. California Coalition of Independent Living *
  4. California Commission on Aging
  5. California Foundation of Independent Living Centers
  6. California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI)
  7. California Women's Law Center, Los Angeles *
  8. Colorado Network of Independent Living Centers
  9. Independent Living Association, Saporro, Japan
  10. Kansas Association of Independent Living Centers (KACIL)
  11. New Jersy Developmental Disabilities Council
  12. Utah Assistive Technology Program
  13. Utah Centers for Independent Living
  1. Bosphorus University - Kandilli Observatory & Earthquake, Community Impact Project, Turkey
  2. California State University at Los Angeles
  3. California State University at Long Beach *
  4. California State University at Northridge
  5. Cornell University - Human Services Administration Program
  6. Eastern Iowa Community College District
  7. Iowa University Affiliated Project
  8. Santa Monica College, CA *
  9. University of California at Berkeley, School of Public Health, Center for Community Wellness
  10. University of Kansas
  11. University of Oregon
  12. Western University's Center for Disability Issues and the Health Profession, Pomona, CA

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 Created June 1997  |  Updated 9/30/02  |  Since 10/27/98 Accessed #