Honorary lifetime membership in The Association
of Access Engineering Specialists for outstanding leadership and skillful
contribution in the field of accessibility - 1999.
Westside Center for Independent Living's "Founders
Award" for vision, leadership and advancing the rights and opportunities
of people with disabilities - 1997.
Recognition from the California Department
of Rehabilitation for participation in the development of a Strategic Plan
for Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities - 1992.
Mary E. Switzer Scholar presented by the National
Rehabilitation Association for excellence and accomplishments in service
to people with disabilities - 1991.
Americans With Disabilities Act Award presented
by the Task Force on the Rights and Empowerment for People with Disabilities
for outstanding contributions to the enactment of the World's First Comprehensive
Civil Rights Law for People with Disabilities - 1990.
Westside Center for Independent Living "Award"
for excellence in the pursuit of a just and barrier-society - 1990.
Recognition from the California Legislature
for dedicated service as Executive Director of the Westside Center for
Independent Living - 1989.
Appreciation from the City of Los Angeles
for exemplary efforts and accomplishments of great value to the community
- 1989.
Westside Pilot International, Handicapped
Professional Woman of the Year - 1988.
Weinberg Chai Award for enhancement of the
quality of Jewish Life, by the Jewish Federation Council, Los Angeles for
Co-chairing a very successful "Conference on the Concerns of Jews with
Disabilities" - 1983.
Woman of the Year Award, presented by Santa
Monica YWCA - 1982.
Distinguished Alumna Award, presented by the
University of Southern California Graduate School of Social Work - 1980.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, California
(LCSW) (LCS 5479)
Certified Sex Educator and Therapist - American
Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (ASSECT)